Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Ticking Time Bomb

It takes so little to set Gavin off these days, but a "no" to anything and he loses it in the blink of an eye!

This morning went well, I thought. We got out of the house to go to school on time, he walked beside me on the way there rather than running, and even had a good report from his teacher for the morning.

When we got home for lunch and Gavin was told what we were having to eat - leftover rice and pork chops from last night's dinner - he stated that he wanted Mr. Noodles instead. In our house I don't make multiple meals for each individual; you eat what is put in front of you, or you don't eat. He knows this and was reminded of it. And like someone flipping a switch, he started yelling, screaming, hitting/kicking me, and throwing things at me. All the while chanting that he wanted Mr. Noodles for lunch and wasn't having anything else. The altercation lasted for all of his lunch hour. At the end of the hour, I told him it was time to get ready to go back to school and he just kept saying "I'm hungry," over and over again. I told him simply that if he had eaten was put in front of him then he wouldn't be hungry anymore. We walked to school in stubborn silence.

I picked Gavin up at the end of the day and was greeted with a negative report. His teacher didn't say what he had done, but just that he lost most of his recess and part of his gym class due to his behavior.

My days are looking more and more like this and it scares and saddens me.

I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day.

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