
~I Believe in~

Love at first sight, Luck, Fate, Aliens, Ghosts, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Angels, Magick, Leprechauns, Fairies, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Vampires, Werewolves, Unicorns, etc.

~I Prefer~

Kisses to hugs; The Internet to the phone; Hot to cold; Spring/Fall to Summer/Winter; Chocolate to vanilla; Night to day; Apples to oranges; Coffee to tea.

~I am~
Pro-life, Very happily taken, A lover of books, a karaoke queen, a television junkie, a horror movie buff (even though I tend to hide my face for the gross parts), a curious mind, an opinionated Polly, an experimental cook, a baking machine, not always what I may seem at first blush, a Solitary Eclectic Witch and Pagan, a HUGE Twilight/Vampire Diaries/Buffy/Angel/Supernatural fan, and a friend to most.

A volunteer in my community. I co-ordinate a healthy living/weight loss support group at my local community centre.

A dispatch supervisor for a taxi-cab company.


Son is 8 and very stubborn/pigheaded. We are dealing with some attitude problems at the moment, but for the most part he is a good boy. He loves all things vehicular, watching cartoons, coloring, playing outside, going for "adventure walks", playing the Wii/XBox, and school. He strongly dislikes bugs of all kinds and has been known to run screaming in the other direction upon seeing a spider. He was recently diagnosed with ADHD and is now on medication to help treat it, but every day is a struggle.

Daughter is 7 and loves to dance! Whenever she hears music - a song on a radio, an intro to a TV show, or a diddy on a commercial - she has to dance. She loves animals and we would have house full of pets (again) if we could. She loves school and looks forward to going every single day. She is Daddy's little girl.

Husband is clinically depressed and suffers from anxiety. He is on medication, 2 different types, and sees a psychologist regularly; but it is a constant uphill battle. Some days are definitely worse than others. He works for a grocery distribution company.

Favorite Holidays are Christmas (Yule) & Halloween (Samhain).

Family is my life, and I don't do much aside from taking care of them, so when I am able to get online, that is my time.

Husband and I have been together for almost 9 years, now. Even though we wear rings and refer to each other as husband and wife, we are not officially married. We may get married someday, but for now this works for us.

~I Love~

To write and have been "trying" to write a book since I was in High School - I hope to get it done someday.

Talking to people from all kinds of backgrounds.

~I Don't~

Bash anyone else's religion, political beliefs, etc, and I expect the same courtesy in return.

Have any friends, save one from High School that I still speak with on the phone occasionally; other than those I speak with on the computer because I have moved so much and that makes it hard to meet anyone.

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