Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's been pretty hectic for me for quite awhile, now.

My grandfather is showing improvements. He was taken off life support a few days ago but apparently had a bit of an episode where he thought he was being held against his will and another where he thought he was behind enemy lines. He is back to his normal self, my aunt tells me, and should be home by Friday! 

As I've mentioned before, I volunteer for my local community centre. I started back in March and joined the executive board as the Secretary. I loved it! I had been stuck at home (a social anxiety thing brought on by being a stay at home mom in places where I didn't know anyone) that I completely embraced leaving the house for something other than grocery shopping again. 

At the beginning of June, the woman who we paid to run the day to day operations at the centre quit. No warning; nothing. I, being the only volunteer on the board without a full-time job, offered to take her place until we could find someone to replace her. 

Unless you are involved in your local community centre, you really can't imagine how much work goes into to keeping one up and running! I definitely didn't have any idea, until I started going daily. So when I say I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all Summer, I'm NOT exaggerating! 

But I digress... 

In July we ran an ad to hire a new manager, and I applied as well. In the end, we chose someone else we hold dear because we believed that he was the best person for the job. The decision was bittersweet for me. 

Our new manager started officially at the beginning of August. Gradually, I have been able to let some things go and allow him to take them over. But gradually is speeding up every day. As he settles in, I am becoming more focused on programming for the Fall. Both daily programming, as well as special events. 

Now that we have a new manager, however, I am finding that I finally have some time to myself again. 

I'm hoping this will allow me to concentrate on my health again. 

So starting tomorrow I will begin logging my food/exercise (regardless of how good/bad it is). Hopefully I will be able to focus more on my goals once the kids return to school in the Fall, too!

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