Monday, November 14, 2011

Thwarted by Product Disappearance

We went shopping this afternoon with our shopping list in hand and $70 budget in mind. We ended up changing things around a bit due to availability and/or sales:

Grocery List w/Changes

4L milk
1 dozen eggs
1 carton (12 boxes) Kraft Dinner
1 flat Mr. Noodles --> There must have been a sale of some sort on noodles because there were none to be found!
1 bag apples
1 bag oranges
2 4 loaves whole wheat bread --> We ended up buying 4 loaves because it was on sale for $1.24/loaf.
1 jar peanut butter
2 boxes granola bars
1 can diced tomatoes
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
10 white button mushrooms --> Instead of counting out 10 mushrooms we bought a small container, likely containing more, which was on sale for $1.27.
2 bags frozen veggies
1 box sliders --> There was a sign on the fridge door stating sliders were on sale for $1.49 -- cue excited squee! -- but when we opened the door we found they had all been sold out. We, in fact, went to two different stores looking for them with no luck. :(
1 bag slider buns --> We didn't buy these because we didn't need them sans sliders.

Grocery List Additions

2 pkgs cheese and cracker-type snacks (the ones with 5 attached in a string)
5 plastic shopping bags
1 large pkg breakfast sausage

We spent a total of $68.02. Not too bad for our first trip!

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