Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 1: Lessons Learned

We made it through the first week of our grocery/meal planning experiment relatively unscathed. Some things I learned this week:

  1. There's not much point in planning breakfast except on the weekends, because the kids just want to eat cereal and toast most school days anyway. I think I will reserve things like monster eyes, pancakes, scrambled eggs, etc. for Saturdays, Sundays, and other days when there is no school. Once in awhile I may surprise them with something a little special on a school morning,  but for the most part simpler is better when you're crunched for time.
  2. Lunch is much too hectic to try and keep a pre-plan in place. Quick and easy and spur of the moment is the way to go. The goal: feed the kids with minimal fighting and fooling around and get them back to school on time.
  3. Snack planning is also turning out to be a little redundant. As long as the children get something healthy as an after school snack to hold them over until dinner, I honestly don't care what it is.
Not too shabby for our first run out of the gate, don't you think?

I was pretty hard on myself on Friday, however. I had planned to have sliders for dinner but there were no sliders to be found at the grocery store due to a massive sale that we missed by a hair. Instead, we picked up some hot dog buns and some cheese-filled grilling sausages and had those for dinner. I guess if I'm going to continue this experiment, I have to be willing to change things depending on product availability, etc.

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